Rainy Day Blog

Island Made: Kathleen Young's Upcycled Sail Bags

by Rainy Day | | 0 comments

The Vineyard Vintage ReSail bags we carry epitomize the difference between Rainy Day and your run of the mill New England gift shop. 

You would be hard pressed to find these unique, hand crafted bags outside our store, and may find it impossible to snag them once you've left the Vineyard. Kathleen Young, the artisan who puts together these carefully stitched bags, offers an array of colors, shapes, and designs. It's really worth a trip to the store just to check them out!

Have you purchased any of these one of a kind bags from us in the past? We would love to see how you've added it to your personal style. Send us a picture or post on our page!


Tags: bags, gifts, island made, kathleen young, local, one of a kind, sails, vineyard made, vineyard vintage resail